Today we talk about the Victoria and the 6.6 KW Solar System.
Solar Victoria provides a rebate on solar panels and batteries. So as time of this article is written, the initial cost of the Solar system is repaid within 2-3 years with Solar Victoria Rebate: in essence, the solar panel is a real investment, which allows you to save on bills and even earn from the sale of the electricity produced and increasing your asset value in a long run.
Let’s see what are the costs to be met to have an efficient Solar panel system installation. Also, we will find out how these costs are recovered in a short time, right from the first years of use.
Initial Cost of Solar Panel
As of today, 6.6 KW solar system in good quality, installed by the reputed installer is available on sale with a rebate and loan is around $1800-$2800 in Victoria, Australia.
So, keeping a cost aside, your question would be who is a reputed Solar installer/retailer? The answer always goes with an in-house installer company and operate at least 5-8 years in the electrical and solar business.
Again, we say that to check other things rather than only the cost of solar. Like to check ABN to know how long the company are in business with the same name. It is found that many companies buy old names and start selling solar so be aware of this as they advertise for 5 to 10 years old companies but in reality, they don’t.
Inverter and Panels
The pricing as mentioned in the beginning is also depending on the type of Inverter and Panels to choose from such as medium to premium gear.
Below are the examples of Inverter to choose
Entry-level – Growatt (we are hesitant to use)
Medium Level – Sun grow
Premium Level – Fronius
Below are the examples of Panel to choose
Entry-level – Seraphim
Medium Level – Trina, Longi
Premium level – Qcell G 6+, Rec, Lg Neon
The next important part is the Solar installation
This is so far by the most important aspect of going solar that who is going to install a solar panel system in your premises. We recommend going with a local installer/electrician having good reviews and can be reachable directly for all your technical questions rather than attending a call from a salesperson.
This is to end up here on this subject as we already covered almost all-important aspects of How much do solar panels cost in Victoria. We will cover more on this topic soon in our honest solar buying guide.
Hope you have enjoyed reading this article.
To get accurate pricing for your precise situation, we would advise receiving quotes from Patel Electrical today.